There are many options when you finally decide you want to quit smoking. Your choices range from hypnosis to prescription drugs. There are a few major things to consider when you make your decision.
What is Your Ultimate Goal? Is your reason for quitting a financial reason? Is it for health reasons? How quick do you want to quit the smoking habit.
What are You Willing to Pay? For many this is a top thing to consider. Drugs like nicotine patches can be expensive and take a long time to work. Hypnosis can work at a lower cost, and at a quicker rate for most people.
Do you want an Effective Method or One that may or may not work? There are some methods that may not work for some. Nicotine patches can be expensive and end up not working. Hypnosis can work well for many people, and have a lower cost.
You should carefully choose the best option based on cost, effectiveness, and your goal.