

We all know what an excellent instrument the Internet can be. Where else can you reach millions of people from different walks of life within seconds, simultaneously?

Studies indicate that the average person spends at least 30% of their time in front of a computer. Imagine if every time you were on your computer, whether it is working, writing emails or surfing the net, you could enhance your personal development. Well, that’s exactly what Dino and the folks at MindZoom had in mind when they launched their site.
Our mind can either be our best friend or our worst enemy depending on what you feed it. You wouldn’t believe how much trash we feed our mind every day! Why don’t we give our mind positive bursts of input? We can easily. Affirmations are defined as the assertion that something exists or is true. That being said, positive affirmations are basically when we assert that something positive about ourselves or anything else is true. This activity in turn, yields positive results as our inner world reflects our outer world.
Many of us have a hard time feeding ourselves positive affirmations. And for those who can, we sometimes can run into a “blockage” from our conscious mind. Our conscious mind sometimes tends to question our beliefs to the point that we can become discouraged.
The sub-conscious mind accepts commands without questioning them. So it is imperative that you feed it positive affirmations. Well, imagine if you could feed your sub-conscious positive affirmations while performing your daily activities on your computer. Through the affirmation-delivering engine and the silent subliminal messaging center, that is exactly what the MindZoom software can and will do for you:

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