The common fear of public speaking is called glossophobia (or, informally, “stage fright”). As Jerry Seinfeld said: “The average person at a funeral would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
When you speak in public, do you experience…
Sweaty palms …. Rapid Heartbeat …. Thoughts Racing …. Memory Loss ….. Feeling of Going Blank….. Hands Shaking
Many people want to know,
“can hypnosis help me conquer my fear of public speaking?”
The answer to that is a resounding “yes,” hypnosis is a proven method for overcoming stage fright.
For one reason or another, an event or thought in your past, and your brain has learned to provide you with this fight or flight response when you speak in public.
Instead of appropriate levels of adrenalin and excitement to optimize your performance, you get a fear response like you’re being attacked or are in danger.
Everything in your body and mind is saying “run away!!!”. But you can’t, you have to ignore your ‘fight or flight’ response and stay put and give your speech. And what’s more, you hope to sound eloquent and informed. Not easy. Pretty Impossible in fact with the way you have been programmed.
So here’s what we do about it…
Your brain simply needs to be re-educated into the right sort of reactions for public speaking. We teach your brain how to alter it’s adrenalin response to the stress of the public speaking situation – how to produce an appropriate amount of adrenalin so that you can perform at your best. With the use of Hypnosis you can release this negative pattern and reprogram the subconscious mind (That is where all habits are formed) with the new behavior of self confidence in public speaking…
*Wow!… Tammy is amazing! I was hypnotized by her 5 years ago and came back to her with a different issue because she is that good! The whole experience with the headphones and Tammy’s voice was phenomenal! She’s given me the best hypnosis I’ve ever experienced!
*It’s been a wonderful experience for me and every session I’ve seen dramatic results. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of fears and blocks released and seen a lot of opportunities open up for me. I highly recommend you coming. She has a wonderful soothing voice.
*I went to Tammy to get relief from a life-long terror of bridges. After just two sessions, I was less anxious when crossing bridges. After the third session, I was able to ride across the Skyway bridge (which previously had put me in a huddle on the floor of the car) and even look out at the water without being afraid. Thank you, Tammy!
Public speaking instills terror in many due to an innate, often illogical fear that missteps in our performance could lead to social exclusion or rejection. This anxiety primarily stems from a deep-seated concern over not gaining the approval of the audience, worrying excessively about others’ opinions, and the potential consequences of not being received well. This concern can become deeply embedded in our subconscious, affecting our ability to speak confidently in public despite the lack of any real threat.
A negative encounter during a public speaking event, even one that occurred as far back as grade school, can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mindset and self-confidence. This kind of experience can shape the person’s subconscious response to similar situations in the future. For example, if someone fumbled or faced embarrassment during a presentation, their mind might start to associate public speaking with anxiety and fear. This psychological association happens without the person’s deliberate thought; it’s an automatic response. As a result, each time the individual faces an opportunity to speak publicly, their mind instinctively triggers panic and dread, expecting further failures. This cyclical pattern of thinking not only perpetuates fear but also significantly diminishes their self-confidence, locking them into a pattern that can be difficult to break without targeted intervention or support.
Public speaking often transforms an everyday interaction into a daunting challenge due to several mental barriers that arise in such situations. These mental blocks can profoundly affect performance and incite anxiety, even in those who are typically confident in other social settings.
When addressing a crowd, our primal survival instincts kick in. Historically, humans needed group acceptance for survival, associating group judgment with either safety or threat. Thus, in large groups, we are wired to fear rejection or disapproval as if it were a threat to our survival. This triggers our 'fight or flight' response which makes our fear of public speaking symptoms worse, leading to physiological symptoms like increased heart rate and sweating, which in turn can distract from our ability to present effectively.
The fear of public speaking and stage fright can become a self-fulfilling prophecy due to negative self-talk. If a speaker anticipates failure, this mindset can cause them to stumble during the presentation, thereby reinforcing their fear. Those initial fears promote a mindset that sabotages performance by focusing on potential errors or blanking out, rather than delivering the speech effectively. This negative anticipation causes undue stress, reducing the speaker's ability to perform, creating an ongoing cycle of fear and underperformance.
Right before and during the performance, anxious thoughts can dominate, causing disarray in the speaker’s focus. This includes overanalyzing the audience's reactions or setting unrealistic expectations for the speech. Such distractions undermine the preparedness and confidence of the speaker. Even if minor disruptions occur, like a slightly inattentive audience, the nervous speaker might perceive these as confirmations of their fears, which can lead to rushing through the speech or altering it on the spot, generally to its detriment. Understanding and addressing these mental blocks plays a crucial role in overcoming the challenges of public speaking and can help individuals improve both their confidence and effectiveness as speakers.
When a person is hypnotized, their brain predominantly operates in the theta wave state, which is commonly associated with deep relaxation and meditation. This allows for an increased level of concentration and focus, similar to the state known as ‘being in the zone’ that athletes experience. Additionally, during hypnosis, there may be irregular spikes in gamma wave activity, indicating moments of heightened perception or consciousness. Although hypnosis may feel like a deeply relaxing experience, it should not be mistaken for simply lying down in a passive state. Instead, it’s a dynamic state where the mind is deeply focused and the body is ready to perform effectively, escaping the disturbances of anxiety without entering sleep.
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Disclaimer: Tamara is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Hypnotist, not a Licensed Medical Doctor or Mental Health Professional. As such, hypnosis services performed are non-therapeutic and not intended to take the place of professional counseling, medical, or psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. Tamara does not work with diagnosed mental or physical conditions without the referral from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts per Florida Statues Section 485. If you are under the care of a medical professional for any condition for which you are seeking hypnosis support, please obtain a signed, written referral from your provider prior to engaging me and moving forward with related sessions.